Saturday May 22nd we celebrated 100 yr of scouting in America. Everyone knows Lord Baden Powell is the father of scouting, but it was William D Boyce that brought it to America and now we're over 4.7 million registered scouts.
Check out the some of the fun we had. Later thanks to the generosity of the members and friends of scouting a bunch of money was raised to help pay for camp and the program.
We've taken our troop meeting into the field the past two weeks. This week we hiked the bluff above Latah Creek at High Drive and Bernard. We hiked from the top to nearly the bottom. We met a couple mountain bikers, saw the end of the Arrowleaf Balsam Flowers, Blue Lupine, Ponderosa Pine, some random car body parts and talked about first aid for hikers. e.g. insect and snake bites, blisters and sprains.
We took our Troop Meeting to Lincoln Park to simulate an outdoor accident. Cullen Fletcher played our victim (can you sense the pain he is in?) and we used the skills James Clark taught some of us on the Bonnie Lake Campout in April. This week we'll meet at the church and drive to High Drive and hike some of the trails and discuss how to deal with blisters, bites, sprains, etc.