Sunday, February 22, 2009


After three hours of hard work and profuse sweat I succeeded in reclaiming part of our drive way. What was here...

and here .... now here and
and here,
Come on spring, I know you can do it!


yaya said...

I sooooo feel your pain. Most of our snow had melted, but now it's back. I'm sick of the cold temps too...oh well, I will really,really love spring when it gets here! It will get here, won't it???

Chris Howell said...

We can only pray! Oh of course it will come, but this year I sold the snowmobile and didn't get out much, so it seems longer than usual I guess. Besides I am eager to ride my bike and motorcycles. Too bad we don't all live in the same town. I'd love to ride bikes with Katie.

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

You've had a winter like they used to have in Idaho when we were young. I can still remember how good it felt to put on my keds instead of snowboots! (End of March??)