Monday, December 28, 2009

Good Citizenship in the Community

Troop 323 has been working on the Citizenship in the Community MB in Nov and Dec.

One requirement is for the boy to give 8 hours of service to the community e.g. a non profit, charitable organization, city, church,etc.

Before our hike in November at Palouse Falls we raked off the camping area, which was a huge undertaking. Some thought it couldn't be done. That gave us 2 hours....hard hours I'd add.

Monday after Christmas we met at 9 am, yes 9 am on Christmas vacation and did some work at our place of worship; the Church. We took inventory by conducting a walk through and identified a couple areas often overlooked. Sacrament Trays, Water fountains, sinks and the member closet..... fair and balanced....I report decide, does Troop 323 know how to
tackle a tough job and do it? Do these Priesthood holders honor their Priesthood and know
how to serve?

1 comment:

yaya said...

Great job Scouters! (The Scout Master is a real task master!) Now, do you want my address????