Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eagle Cap 50 miler

Troop 323 takes on Eagle Cap Wilderness in the Wallowa Mountains of Eastern Oregon.

We hiked 52 miles over 6 days, saw 17 lakes and hiked to the summit of Eagle Cap Peak (9500') What is more fitting for future Eagle Scouts. Howard Ashby and Bob Howell provided additional adult support. Scouts included Kramer Geren, Zac McMaster, Daniel Springman and Bridger Howell. This was Kramer and Zac's big scout event this summer, while Daniel and Bridger double dipped by attending Summer Camp as well.

Two of the boys completed their Hiking MB and two just need their 20 miler to complete.

We identified flowers, trees, mt lion scat, read compass, stayed dry while sleeping two nights, prepared and eat our own food, swam three times, read scripture daily, discussed the new DTG requirments, had scout master minutes daily from the three adults, cleared trail of downed trees and removed fire rings within 100' of the lakes. We grew by leaps and bounds... all of us. Some of the boys helped Brother Ashby get his pack over the pass to Minam Lake.

Chris Howell


Sheff said...

Whose ankles are those?

Chris Howell said...

The toughest 12 yr old I know...never complained. He mountain bikes, runs, earned his entire way to summer camp and had a leatherman in his pocket that he bought off ebay for half the going rate with his own cash...Bridger Howell...don't be fooled by the 95 pounds...he hefted Howard's pack up the trail to help out.

Unknown said...

Oh darn, I missed it.

m.a. said...

Looks so amazing, Chris. Steve was so sorry to miss it!

Chris Howell said...

Oh, M.A. I am so glad that you saw the pics. I thought of Steve everyday we were out. I too missed him. It was so inspiring to be there. We were inspired by the views and the word of God. Love ya, miss ya.


Chris Howell said...

Notice the before and after shot of the cleaned up fire ring. Notice that I and my brother were taking turns at one point carrying Howard's backpack...after the boys had all taken turns. Can you spell T-O-U-G-H?

yaya said...

Hey Grizzly Adams, those are fantastic pics...seriously, you should really have them framed. Except that one that I'm hoping is ML scat...What a wonderful outing and such tough scouts and leaders!

Chris Howell said...

Thanks,Kathy. I was pretty pleased with the photos too, but how could I go wrong with the sights we had in the Eagle Cap Wilderness. BTW How long does one serve as a SM in the church? It's written somewhere right?